The Portland Art Purchase Society Inc.

Our story

The Portland Art Purchase Society, based in the picturesque Central Western NSW town of Portland, has been holding a much anticipated and enjoyed art exhibition for over almost 50 years.

The annual exhibition sees up to 400 works by predominantly local artists exhibited with approximately 25% of works sold each year, making it a favourite for artists.

As a charity, proceeds raised from entry fees and sales commissions are donated to arts programmes in the region, school art prizes throughout the Lithgow LGA and other community groups.

Our Committee

Each year, the Portland Art Purchase Society Committee bring you this community focussed art exhibition. We are also assisted by many community members in putting the exhibition together and the local branch of the Country Women’s Association running their popular canteen over the weekend.

The event is held in the Crystal Theatre which is transformed from an empty space into the Portland Art Exhibition including state of the art lighting in just a matter of days by our hard-working team.

Please consider joining the Portland Art Purchase Society to assist us in continuing to bring you this art exhibition each year.

Current Committee Members

Chairperson: Rich Evans
Vice Chairperson: Elizabeth Irvine
Treasurer: Brian Cassell
Artist Liason Officer: Cathy Egan
Entry Co-ordinator: Bruce and Elizabeth Irvine
Secretary: Jodie Mason
Publicity Officer: Rich Evans

Committee Members: Elaine Butler, Robyn Cassell, Wendy Castle, Barbara Moran, Robert Slarke, Jacquie Terry.