Suzanne Sommer
Feature Artist - 2006 Portland Art Show
Contemporary Artist & Romantic Impressionist Painter
Not only is Suzanne Sommer one of Australia’s top-selling artists, for the last ten years, her paintings have been amongst the most recognisable in select galleries and in east coast art exhibitions. A prolific painter, Suzanne’s popularity is shared by the art fraternity and, more importantly, by the buying public.
Working with acrylics, oils and pastels, Suzanne is best known for beautiful figurative work and for romantic scenes of Australia country cottages. There is no other artist who combines these subjects with such success as does Suzanne and, for this reason, Suzanne has carved out her own, very characteristic and recognisable style.
Suzanne is the winner of more than 100 awards, including 26 first prizes and as well as wide recognition from the broader art community through gallery directors and art show convenors, has sold her work to more than a dozen countries and to all Australian states.